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Get Rid of Hormonal Imbalance with Yoga

Increased production of sweat, faintness, emotional instability or hot flushes can possibly indicate a hormonal imbalance. Its signs are also irregular menstruation, menopause or even some more serious health issues. Recently, many doctors are of opinion that stress is the main trigger of hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Yoga Therapy vs. Vital Hormonal Yoga

The hormonal imbalance can be regulated by yoga. This is the reason why we made an interview with Romana Klášterecká and Karolina Vaittinen from the Happyogas studio and they told us more about hormonal yoga.

Hormonal yoga is often mistaken for Dinah Rodriquez´s yoga hormonal therapy or for vital yoga that improves the general vitalization of body. Alternatively, it can be mistaken for the combination of both approaches which means vital-hormonal yoga.

Yoga Hormonal Therapy is a coherent unchanging routine, taught by certified female instructors during intensive weekend seminars. Participants learn there the routine and continue with it at home.

Vital-hormonal yoga is a lighter type of yoga in which yoga asanas influence levels of hormones and vitalize the whole body. This article focuses on this yoga type.

Vital-hormonal Yoga bases on hathayoga, therefore component asanas aren´t anything new and they are suitable for everyone; the only contraindications are pregnancy, postoperative state and serious chronic problems in abdominal cavity. For vital-hormonal yoga, the right combination of breathing and yoga positions that focus on pelvic floor, circulation of lymph and stimulation of thyroid and other glands that boost production of hormones is vital.

Waking Up the Energy inside Our Bodies

Breathing work and coordination of inhalation and exhalation in particular positions are important. The routine includes many compressive positions when you´re bend forward. It works on the principle of pressure and relaxation and it includes position stimulating thyroid and other positions that work with pelvic floor. Mentally, relaxation and an effort in focusing on ourselves, our breath and pressed parts of abdomen are important.

The aim of this exercise is to awaken energy in our whole body, to stimulate the metabolism and functions of all organs. Despite hormonal yoga being an amazing support of our health, it is clear that regular practising, lifestyle and eating habits are also important factors of maintaining good health.

“I notice some women achieve partial results in our studio. For example, one of our clients restored regular menstruation, another one´s happy that her sleep improved. Women with difficulties to get pregnant or women in the menopause are those who often attend our courses. On the other hand women that just prefer lighter version of yoga and want to relax attend our courses quite frequently, too,” says Romana Klášterecká from the Hyppyoga studio.

With rather serious cases the medical help is required while doing hormonal yoga, but when the state of the participant is not so serious, is enough to “awake” the pelvic floor and cut down on stress to set off big changes.

Super foods that help with hormonal balance

If we want to use food to boost our hormonal balance, we can try some of the super foods. Maca, for example, naturally helps the right sexual function and improves the state of both the body and the mind. It comes from the Peruvian Andes and its aphrodisiacal effect has been known for centuries.

Next example is Ashwaganda, which is considered one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda medicine. It rejuvenates body and soul, it has an effect of a natural antidepressant and it contributes to the right functioning of the nerve system.

Our last recommendation is a product called Secret Ceres, which was used for many years to narrow and clean a vagina. Thanks to the ingredients in it, it stimulates the cleansing system of women´ s body, it contributes to a well balanced vaginal bacterial flora and it increases the arousal during the intercourse.

Secret Ceres contains phytoestrogens that suppress the symptoms of menopause experienced by women due to the lowering production of oestrogen during this life period. Hot flushes, headaches, insomnia, depression, tiredness, osteoporosis, changes in libido, inflammation of vagina and vaginal dryness that leads to increased predisposition to inflammation are the typical problems during the menopause. The results of Secret Ceres were amazing also in case of young women´s irregular menstruation and period pains, all without unnecessary load on organism and side effects.

At the end of our article, I would like to thank Romana Klášterecká and Karolina Vaittinen from the Happyoga studio in Brno, that supplied me with all information needed about hormonal yoga.

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