
Ormus Greens Organic Natural

Ormus SuperGreens Organic Natural, Powder

Manufacturer: Sunwarrior

Quantity: 450 g

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

63,90 € tax incl.

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Main product features

  • Perfect for getting started with green foods
  • Great taste
  • Contains a variety of prebiotics and probiotics
  • Comprehensive colon and digestive care
  • Does not contain stevia

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Come to the detox with a great taste, get your nutrients from young plants!

Ormus is a green drink full of "supergreens", green foods rich in biologically active substances and phytonutrients. It is a balanced blend of dried juices from young shoots, combining the benefits of individual herbs, ground dried young shoots, probiotics and prebiotics.

The green shoots of alfalfa, young barley, young wheat, young oats and moringa hide the best potential of the freshly sprouted plant. Thanks to patented processing technology, green foods are highly digestible and all nutrients are perfectly bioavailable.

What makes Ormus Super Greens so great?

  • Thanks to a blend of juices from young grasses, probiotics, potent plant enzymes, fiber and ginger root , it harmonizes and soothes digestion.

  • Thefibre and chlorophyll in the product help maintain a state of harmony in the digestive tract. Due to its high content of the green pigment chlorophyll, which is structurally similar to human haemoglobin (red blood pigment), it has a positive effect on healthy blood formation. Read more about the benefits of chlorophyll in green foods.

  • A probiotic culture is created during the manufacturing process by fermenting plant ingredients. This makes the green drink easily digestible and naturally supports a friendly intestinal flora that contributes to healthy digestion. This has an impact on the proper function of the immune system. Vice about the importance of microflora in the gut microbiome.

  • Young grass extracts contain antioxidant substances (vitamin C and vitamin A).

  • Young grasses are among the alkaline-forming foods. Ormus Super Greens is ideal for those seeking this type of diet.

  • The drink is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It will help you replenish your portion of nutrients when you can't get it from a serving of fresh vegetables. It nourishes at the cellular level with easily absorbed phytonutrients.

  • Scientific studies [1] have investigated the effect of young barley on maintaining good skin quality, better regeneration of the body, maintaining stable blood sugar levels and normal blood pressure.

Who and what is Ormus Super Greens good for?

  • For newcomers to detox, but also for experienced connoisseurs. It is a balanced complex blend of green grasses that has a mild and pleasant taste.

  • As a first aid for common digestive problems when it simply "doesn't digest well".

  • May help with troublesome skin.

  • It is suitable for those who have a low intake of fresh vegetables, to replenish vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients.

  • Enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics promote proper digestion and absorption of ingested nutrients. Ormus provides vitamin and mineral replenishment, so it is an aid in various one-sided diets where deficiencies of important substances for the body may occur.

  • Our tip: It is also great for travelling. For example, to prepare the digestive tract for unusual diets, oriental cuisine and so on. It will increase the resistance of digestion and serve as a source of nutrients when we do not have such a varied diet.

Where Ormus Super Greens comes from

The plants that make up Ormus Super Greens are grown in an ancient volcanic valley in southern Utah, untouched by civilization, on land that was once seabed. The fertile soil nourishes these green plants and enriches them with precious minerals such as platinum, gold, silver and other valuable trace elements that give the growing greens an extraordinary quality.

The story of the mystical "ormus" substance

"Ormus" is the name given to the monoatomic elements of gold, protected by nature in volcanic soil or where the sea bed once was. Ormus was called "food of the gods" by the ancient Egyptians. In their spiritual tradition it was recognized for its high vibrational properties and used to detoxify and nourish the pineal gland. Ancient Egyptians believed that ormus could heighten one's level of perception and enhance their connection to the divine.

Gentle processing technology

Ormus Super Greens is processed through a patented cold-drying process that preserves the maximum amount of phytonutrients and biologically active compounds. These are very sensitive to heat and could be destroyed by higher temperatures. By preserving these ingredients, Ormus Super Greens is a premium green superfood drink that is vibrant, raw and superbly bioavailable. The gentle manufacturing process preserves the delicate balance of essential amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

Why Ormus Super Greens?

  • The drink tastes great and has a perfectly balanced formula.

  • It contains a blend of many plants. Each of them has slightly different specific effects. Ormus combines all their advantages into one whole.

  • The young grasses can absorb substances from the soil. There is no guarantee that cheap 'greenies' do not contain heavy metals or residual pesticides. Ormus Super Greens gives an absolute guarantee of product purity. On the contrary, thanks to the richness of the soil from which it comes, it also contains a lot of valuable minerals and trace elements.

  • Compared to conventional green drinks, it is enriched with probiotics and prebiotics produced by fermentation of green juices, which further enhance its beneficial effects.

  • Its composition consists of the dried juice of young leaves, which concentrates a greater amount of nutrients and is thus easily digestible. However, the full recommended daily dose of fibre must be supplemented from other sources.

  • The drink is packaged in recycled, BPA-free plastic.

  • Organic and Raw quality.

  • Free of GMOs, allergens, soy, gluten, added sugar, added additives (artificial preservatives, flavors, colors and solvents).

  • From RAW Juice, KETO friendly!

A vibrant cocktail of beneficial ingredients

1) Alfalfa (Tolice alfalfa)

Alfalfa is interesting as a plant in that it has a large root structure in proportion to its size, by which it can extract minerals from deep soil layers that may not be present in the surface layers. This makes alfalfa a very nutritious plant, rich in essential vitamins, minerals and various phytonutrients.

The effect of alfalfa on cholesterol levels has been investigated in scientific studies [2]. This is probably because it contains plant saponin compounds.

2) Young barley

Barley is remarkably rich in nutrients and full of vitamins such as vitamin A, B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and pyridoxine, and folate), vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also contains carotenoids and many other health benefits.

Young barley also contains one of nature's most amazing substances: chlorophyll.

3) Young wheat

Similar to young barley, it contains many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and valuable phytonutrients such as chlorophyll.

4) Young oats

Another cereal grass that provides concentrated vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients "wrapped" in tender young leaves. Oats are rich in over 70 revitalizing minerals.

5) Moringa

Moringa is a relatively newly discovered superfood. It is an extremely rich source of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and a large number of beneficial phytonutrients, which is why it is called by many the "tree of life".

6) Ginger root

Ginger root has been used since time immemorial as a digestive aid. It brings relief from diarrhea and nausea. It contains the biologically active substance gingerol, which is particularly characterized by its antioxidant effects. According to some expert studies, it is also anti-inflammatory[3].

7) A mixture of probiotic strains

The probiotics used in our green foods are cultivated directly in the food itself during the production process, without any additional additions. This makes them well bioavailable for use in the process of building and nourishing the much needed natural flora and fauna of our digestive system.

More and more studies are showing that an imbalance and imbalance of bacteria in our digestive tract has an impact on our overall health and the eventual development of disease.

Probiotics support a healthy balance of gut bacteria and are associated with a range of health benefits.

How to take Ormus Super Greens

Mix 1 scoop (5g) with at least 250ml of water or juice. Can also be added to your favourite smoothies.


About the origin and processing of Ormus Greens ingredients

Greens and the concept of acidification

Help for non-veggie eaters

You may have noticed that in each video, Ormus Super Greens is packaged in a different box. Although it is still the same great drink from Sunwarrior, the packaging has evolved and now the product is enjoying a brand new coat.

Read more

Nutritional values

Serving size: 5 g (1 scoop)

Energy value

71 kJ/17 kcal


0 g

of which saturated

0 g


3 g

of which sugars

1 g


2 g


1 g


0,08 g

Vitamin A

240 µg (30 %)*

Vitamin C

7 mg (8.7%)*


60 mg (7.5%)*


1 mg (7 %)*

* reference intake values

** only in the form of naturally occurring sodium


Organic leaf blend (alfalfa, barley, wheat, moringa, oats), organic flower juice blend (alfalfa, barley, wheat, oats), organic ginger root, probiotic blend (L-acidophilus, L-plantarum, L-casei, L-rhamnosus, B-lactis, L-salivarius, B-bifidum).


Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.


Not for use by children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Consult a physician if you have celiac disease or Crohn's disease.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. It is not a substitute for a varied diet.


Expert sources of information:

[1] Zeng Y. et al. "Preventive and Therapeutic Role of Functional Ingredients of Barley Grass for Chronic Diseases in Human Beings" [online]. In Oxid Med Cell Longev (2018) 2018: 18 p. URL:<>.

[2] Malinow M. R. et al. "Alfalfa seeds: Effects on cholesterol metabolism" [online]. In Experientia (1980) 36: 562-564. URL:<>.

Malinow M. R. et al. "Cholesterol and bile acid balance in Macaca fascicularis. Effects of alfalfa saponins" [online]. In J Clin Invest. (1981) 67: 156-162. URL:<>.

[3] Azam F. et al. "Ginger components as new leads for the design and development of novel multi-targeted anti-Alzheimer's drugs: a computational investigation" [online]. In Drug Des Devel Ther. (2014) 8: 2045-2059. URL:<>.

Data sheet

Quantity454 g
Country of Origin:Nevada (USA)

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Adela Bedrichova 22. July 2024

Dobrý den, chtěla jsem se zeptat od kolika let se super greens může pít?

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

užívat ho mohou děti od tří let. Nedoporučuje se užívat dlouhodobě, pouze krátkodobě při podpoře imunity nebo po střevních onemocněních. Pro malé děti je vhodnější mladý ječmen.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na

S přáním krásného dne


Katerina 17. August 2023

Dobrý den, chtěla jsem se zeptat jestli zelene potraviny jako je ormus supergreen vhodna pro deti a miminka od 6 mesicu?

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Katko,

Ormus je kombinace vícero zelených potravin, navíc se zázvorem, který miminkům nemusí vždy sednout. Doporučuji pro začátek spíše mladý ječmen v malém množství. 

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo

Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

Zuzana 24. March 2021

Dobrý den, zlákala mě zvědavost rozhodla jsem se zkusit přerušovaný půst pro pročištění těla a obnovu kmenových buněk. Přemýšlím teď, jak do jídleníčku správně zakomponovat produkty Zelený ječmen (ORMUS SUPER GREENS BIO NATURAL), spirulinu v práčku a chlorellu v tabletách. Rovněž bych chtěla doplnit liposomální vitamín C. Asi by mi vyhovovalo nastartovat den nápojem se zeleného ječmene, ten lze konzumovat společně s jablečnou šťávou. Před dalším jídlem chlorelu v tabletě. A odpoledne nápoj se spirulinou. Přemýšlím, kam zařadit vitamín C - má být nalačno? Před jídlem či po? Dává to takto celé smysl? Cp je pro tělo nejlepší? Nemám žádné potíže a mým cílem IF není snížení hmotnosti. Moc děkuji.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý večer, paní Zuzko,

tak, jak schéma píšete, si to určitě můžete nastavit, asi bych to zvolila velmi podobně. Liposomální vitamin C si můžete dát klidně ráno na lačno, společně s ječmenem a jablečnou šťávou.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem pro Vás k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
s pozdravem,

Kuba 11. March 2021

Dobrý den, chtěl bych se Vás zeptat zda je možné užívat společně ormus supergreens (ráno) a spirulinu (odpoledne)? Děkuji, Kuba

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, pane Jakube,

v této kombinaci není vůbec žádný problém :-).

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

Leoš Novák 2. March 2020

dobrý den , prosím dobírám chlorelu můžu začít užívat Ormus Super Greens BIO natural ? a k tomu ještě 10 Mushrooms + Rose Hips Mix ? děkuji .

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, pane Nováku,

není žádný problém v kombinaci těchto doplňků. Užívejte tak, jak píšete :-).

Přeji pěkný den,
s pozdravem,

Petra (

Klara 3. January 2020

Dobrý den,

mam pulrocniho chlapecka a ted cekame dalsi miminko, jsem v osmem tydnu a chtela bych doplnit vice toho ´´zeleneho´´ :), aby mi v tele nechybely zadne mineraly,enzymy atd. Jeste do toho kojim, takze spotreba toho vseho bude obrovska. Co by ste mi prosim doporucili z hlediska komplexnosti do smoothie - ormus green nebo elite green protein? :)
Dekujii a zdravim!

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, Kláry,

přikláním se spíše k užívání ORMUS Super Greens. Obsahuje směsi šťáv z mladých trav, které nejsou v kontraindikaci s Vaším stavem, a navíc kořen zázvoru a moringu, které působí proti případné nevolnosti. (Elite Green Protein obsahuje i spirulinu, o které se uvádí, že pro těhotné úplně vhodná není, zřejmě kvůli barvivu fykobilinu, nicméně je to individuální záležitost…).

Přeji hodně sil a hlavě zdraví celé rodině.
(v případě dalších dotazů mě kontaktujte na 732 690 885 nebo

S pozdravem, Petra

Pavlína Kratochvílová 11. November 2019

Krásný večer, mohou ho prosím i děti, popřípadě od kolika let? Děkuji, mějte se krásně.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Kratochvílová,

tento produkt je ve zkratce směsí kvalitních zelených potravin se zázvorem, mátou a probiotiky. Nevidím žádný problém začít tento produkt dětem připravovat zhruba od 3 let, zejm. pokud už je Vaše dítě zvyklé na nějakou zelenou potravinu (např. mladý ječmen). Někdy se vedou diskuze o vhodnosti konzumace zázvoru u malých dětí, nicméně jej v produktu není tak moc, jako kdybyste nastrouhala kus kořene k přípravě čaje. Nedoporučuji užívání ORMUSu u dětí dlouhodobě, ale spíše v období, kdy jsou náchylnější k onemocněním, při střevních problémech apod.

Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem, Petra (tel: 732 690 885)

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