
Zincum Selenium, Liquid

Zincum Selenium, Liquid

Manufacturer: Ovonex

Quantity: 100 ml

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Liquid Zincum-Selenium drops contain more than 70 minerals and trace elements found in the waters of the Great Salt Lake (USA). It is enriched with bis-glycinate zinc chelate, which is highly bioavailable, and an organic source of selenium. It is suitable for vegans and anyone who needs to support normal immune system function.

Zinc and selenium - the two building blocks of the immune system

Zinc is a mineral that acts on many functions of our body. It provides the following functions:

- contributes to normal acid and base metabolism
- contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism
- contributes to normal cognitive functions
- contributes to normal DNA synthesis
- contributes to normal fertility and reproduction
contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism
- contributes to normal fatty acid metabolism
- contributes to normal vitamin A metabolism
- contributes to normal protein synthesis
- contributes to the maintenance of normal bone health
- contributes to the maintenance of normal hair health
- contributes to the maintenance of normal nail health
- contributes to the maintenance of normal skin health
- contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood
- contributes to the normal function of the immune system
- contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
- is involved in the process of cell division

Selenium plays an equally important role and has the following important functions:

- contributes to normal spermatogenesis
- contributes to the maintenance of normal hair
- contributes to normal immune system function
- contributes to normal thyroid function
- contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
- contributes to the maintenance of normal nails

For example, zinc deficiency can manifest itself as follows:

- Loss of appetite, problems with nails, hair and skin condition, fertility and reproductive disorders, impaired immune system function, disturbances in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, impaired sense of taste and smell, bone disorders.

Increasing zinc intake is advised in these cases:

- children and adolescents in the period of growth, active athletes, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, vegetarians and vegans, smokers, persons who regularly consume alcohol, in diseases caused by zinc deficiency.

For example, selenium deficiency may manifest itself as follows:

- manifestations of selenium deficiency - weakened immune system function, poor quality of hair and nails, insufficient thyroid gland activity, problems associated with cell damage due to oxidative stress.

Increasing selenium intake is recommended in the following casesh:

- with increased physical stress, in pregnant women, in the elderly, with higher fat intake, with impaired thyroid function, with weakened immune function.

Further information


Purified water, vegetable glycerol, mineral concentrate from the Great Salt Lake, zinc bis-glycinate, vitamin C - ascorbyl palmitate ( L-ascorbic acid, bioflavonoid complex, fatty acids), selenomethionine, grapefruit seed extract - Citrus paradisi, citric acid, natural sweetener steviol glycosides, natural orange flavour, rosemary extract (antioxidant).

Daily dose of 1 ml (20 drops) contains:
Zinc ........ 10 mg (RHP 100%)
Selenium.......... 55 µg (RHP 100%)
Vitamin C ....... 20 mg (RHP 25%)
RHP = Reference Intake Value

Contains no preservatives, gluten, lactose, sugar, artificial flavors, colors, artificial preservatives.


Packaging: 50 ml/100 ml - 50/100 daily


Mix in 250 ml of water, fruit juice, etc.

Shake before use.


Dietary supplement, not intended as a replacement for a varied diet and for children under 3 years of age. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Shake before use.


Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature and out of reach of children.

Why did we choose Ovonex?

Ovonex is a Czech brand that combines the power of nature with highly functional dietary supplements. Liquid minerals and plant extracts from this brand are characterized by excellent absorption and great bioavailability.

The core values of this likeable company include the use of quality ingredients, an emphasis on functionality and high benefits for the user. We tried the liquid minerals ourselves and were impressed by their parameters.

They are professionals who produce their preparations according to their original know-how. The preparations are compiled on the basis of cutting-edge scientific knowledge in cooperation with Czech university experts.

Raw materials from EU and US suppliers are used. The quality of each supply of raw materials is always documented by a COA certificate. The entire production process is subject to strict quality controls.

It is important to us that you will not find any colourings, flavourings, sugars, fats, gluten, lactose, alcohol or commonly used preservatives, polishes, fillers or anti-caking agents in Ovonex products.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:USA

Selection of questions from Counselling

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Maaike 28. August 2024

Hello I have bought last week the ovonex zincum selenium & by using it, pouring into a glass i noticed brown flakes in the liquid. I think it should not be bc it is chelated? & question 2: what is the usage: how many drops per day in a glass, & what is the usage for children? Kind regards

Nikol M. odpověděl:


those brown flakes are the rosemary extract and it is not defective. An adult dose is approx. 20 drops per day. For children the dose differs by age/weight. Please specify the age/weight of the child. 

In case of any further questions, I'm avaliable on

Have a nice day


Denisa 13. February 2021

Dobrý den , můžu užìvat ovonex když teď beru MSM ,hodně mi zřìdly vlasy .Děkuji Hloušková

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Hloušková,

jaký Ovonex myslíte (jaký konkrétní doplněk? Máme jich více). Každopádně nevidím problém v kombinaci s jakýmkoliv a pokud jste ještě nevybrala, doporučuji konkrétně Liquid Zincum Selenium, tedy tekutý doplněk se zinkem a selenem, dvě důležitými prvky pro zdravé vlasy.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

Anna K 10. December 2020

Dobrý den, můžu tento přípravek kombinovat s Letroxem (75mg) na sníženou fci štítné žlázy a autoimunitní zánět ŠŽ?

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den,

ano, určitě můžete. Je to jeden z nejlešpích doplňků na podporu snížené funkce štítné žlázy. Ideálně 30 min od léku. Letrox asi berete ráno na lačno, takže počkejte ještě další půl hodiny, případně si jej dejte kdykoliv během dne.

V případě jiných dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
Přeji pěkný den,
s pozdravem

Martina Kubů 8. October 2020

Dobrý den, jaké dávkování by prosím bylo pro pětileté dítě, pokud je pro ně přípravek vhodný. Děkuji.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Kubů,

doporučuji 5 kapek 2 x denně (případně v jedné dávce 10 kapek). Kvůli specifické chuti jej přidejte do ovocného nápoje (smoothie), nakapte do snídaňové kaše apod.

s přáním pěkného dne,

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