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Spring Skin Cleaning With Superfoods

Our skin, as well as our organism, needs to wake up and recover after a long winter. We will show you how to take care of your skin easily using pure natural ingredients. You all know that superfoods are great in smoothies. But have you already thought about using them on the “outside”? Throw away your old, expensive cosmetics and let see the power of Nature.

The skin is like a mirror of what is happening inside your body. The base is drinking enough water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Take care of your skin by doing an outdoor physical activity, sports and don´t forget to listen to your soul. Every experience you are going through will sooner or later manifest on your skin.
Choose carefully which products you put on your skin. About 60% of everything you apply to the skin gets into the bloodstream. You would not use many of ordinary cosmetics internally, right?

In fact, cosmetics is very much like food. If you don´t make it by yourself, you could never know what exactly are the ingredients like. And as our grandmothers already used to say, what we can eat that is good to our skin as well.

Why not to use the power of your favourite superfoods? For the preparation of homemade facial masks, we have chosen detoxifying green foods rich in vitamins and minerals: MSM - the "beauty mineral" and Acai - fruit full of antioxidants. Benefit from the power of these natural ingredients. You might find a recipe which will fits you and work wonders on your skin.

Healing mask for acne

Have you already heard about MSM powder, the beauty mineral? MSM powder is an organic sulphur compound known for its positive impact on the skin. It will help you to get rid of scars and hyperpigmentation. If you mix this white powder with Aloe Arborescens Lily, blend of aloe and raw honey, it is the best you can do! Aloe with raw honey regenerate the skin, heal spots and unify skin colour. Moreover, honey is efficient against bacteria.


  • 2,5 tablespoons of MSM Powder
  • 2 tablespoons of Aloe Arborescens Lily

Mix well all the ingredients and rest for about 30 minutes.

Apply to clean, make-up free skin. After 15-20 minutes, wash gently your skin with warm water.

If you want to use the mask as a peeling, rub your skin before you wash the mask off.

You can store the mask in the fridge for about 2 weeks.

Nourishing spirulina mask

Another very efficient green food is spirulina. It is a single-celled cyanobakteria most often used as a powder. It is ideal for regeneration, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is highly nourishing both to your body and your skin. It is perfect for people using a lot of make-up during the day. If you have more greasy skin, we recommend you to mix spirulina with water.


  • 2 tablespoons of Spirulina Bio Powder
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of good quality honey
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 avocado

Mash peeled avocado and mix it with the other ingredients.

You should obtain a paste-like consistency.

Apply it on your skin and let it work for as needed for 15 min to 1 hour.

Vitamin bomb for all skin types

Do you like fragrant and fruity flavours? Try Acai. This mask fit for all skin types. Acai berry is a palm fruit. Its taste is similar to the one of chocolate with forest berries. Thanks to a high concentration of antioxidants it slows down the aging process. It protects your skin from sun damage, increases its strength and gives skin a good colour. Mixed with Baobab Powder, it is a real vitamin bomb.


  • 1 tablespoon of Acai Powder
  • 1 tablespoon of Baobab Powder
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Chlorella mask for shining skin

Chlorella, a blue-green algae, can firm up your skin and unify its tone. It is one of the best ingredients to start process of detoxification. Thanks to this mask you get rid of spots, little scars and your skin will be soft. Your skin will wake up by chorella like nature wakes up in spring.


  • 1 tablespoon of Chlorella Bio Powder
  • 1 tablespoon of good quality honey
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

Detoxifying clay mask

Clay is well known as an ingredient used for regular skin cleansing. It purifies your body from the inside as well as from the outside. ZeoForce blend contains a concentrate of Clinoptiolite mineral. Size of its grains is about the size of red blood cells. It absorbs toxins and gets them safely out of your body. This mineral is found in the Earth's clay, generated from the interaction of volcanic magma and fresh or salt water.


  • 1 tablespoon of Zeoforce
  • water

Make a paste of Zeoforce and water.

Apply on your skin and let it work for about 15 minutes.

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