Limenade with Electrolytes according to Judita Wignall
Coconut water is great after exercise because it restores electrolytes. Together with MSM, it helps with bones and joints regeneration. And not only that, MSM is also beneficial for skin, hair and nail health, so you can perceive this drink as a beauty tonic.
Drink 0 - 5 minutes

Ingredients (1 to 2 portions):
- 1 cup (240 ml) of coconut water from young Thai coconut or Coco Hydro
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of lime juice
- a pinch of MSM crystals
- a pinch of sea salt
- liquid stevia (optional)
Mix or blend all ingredients and serve with ice.
WIGNALL, Judita. Raw Detox, Synergie Publishing SE, 2015, s. 89