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Salad with creamy topping and spirulina

We have boosted a simple salad make of common ingredients with smooth cashew dressing and oriental Spirulina Crunchy Spicy from Bali. Give it a try!


Salad with creamy topping and spirulina

Ingredients for a salad:

  • a mixture of salad leaves
  • a beetroot
  • a carrot
  • Spirulina Crunchy Spicy

Ingredients for a dressing:

  • a handful of cashews
  • some water
  • olive oil
  • full-fat mustard
  • a spring onion
  • lemon juice


Cut a beetroot and a carrot into small strips, tear salad leaves into smaller pieces and mix with dressing which you make by simply blending of ingredients above mentioned. Finally sprinkle with Spirulina Crunchy Spicy.

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