Code: 1326

Tea He Shou Wu
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Tea He Shou Wu

Manufacturer: Dragon Herbs

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„He Shou Wu tea supports the feminine energy of Jing. That's why I traditionally prepare it for my friends when they come to visit.“

Aneta Svobodová, marketing manager, strategist and prospect lover

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He Shou Wu (i.e. Many-flowered rush) is one of the most popular and respected tonic herbs in Asian herbalism. He Shou Wu is the modified root of Polygonum multiflorum, a plant that grows in the mountains of central and southern China. Together with Goji berries, it shares a leading position among Jing energy essences. He Shou Wu is used extensively in Chinese tonic herbalism to promote healthy aging. It is seen as a remedy that tonifies kidney and liver functions, strengthens the life essence of Jing, and nourishes the blood.

From the perspective of Western science, it supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, particularly contributing to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.

History of use

Li Ao of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) wrote a book, entitled "The Legend of He Shou Wu", documenting in detail the discovery of this herb.

He Shou Wu was discovered by Neng Si, whose physical constitution was very frail, due to this handicap he was never able to marry or produce children. Although he was a strong drinker, he was an ardent follower of Taoism and often imitated his Taoist teacher in the mountains.

One day, he fell into a drunken stupor in the forest and, after waking up, saw a pair of vines winding up to a height of nearly three meters. He thought they looked as if they had just made love, so in his whimsical state he dug up the root of the plant and brought it to the cottage. He had never known this plant in the village until a hermit from the mountains set his eyes on it and advised him to try it.

Neng Si agreed, ground the root into a powder and swallowed a small amount on an empty stomach. He began to feel a hitherto unrecognized vitality coursing through his veins, and after a short time he noticed certain compulsive urges developing. Soon this hitherto unfortunate man began to experience something very foreign to him - an incredible virility that he could hardly control. Over the next few months he became very strong, then even doubled the dose. Within a few years his hair had darkened again and his appearance had regained its youthfulness. Over the next ten years, he even conceived several sons and changed his name to "Neng Si," meaning "He Who Can Produce Offspring."

Although the herb was thus made famous as an anti-aging and fertility restorer, it was not until the Ming Dynasty Emperor Shi Zong (reigned 1521-1566) that it was bestowed with an herbal formula called "Beard Beautifying Powder of Seven Treasures". He had great success with it, producing several royal princes. He said he owed his success to this herbal mixture. TatThe blend, containing He Shou Wu as the main ingredient, immediately became very popular even among the common people, and He Shou Wu itself has since become a traditional part of households throughout Asia.

The story of Li Qing Yen

The story, which is very widespread, tells of a man named Li Qing Yen who is said to have lived to the age of 225. All evidence suggests that this is not possible. Thus, the story of Li Qing Yen should only be seen as a legend. However, in Asia, people believe that Li Qing Yen did live and lived to an impressive age (at least 100 years).

According to the story, Li Qing Yen was born in the mountainous southeastern part of China and ran away from home at the age of eleven with three pilgrims who were engaged in the herb trade and travelled together through China, Tibet and Southeast Asia.

As Li Qing Yuen matured, he became a practicing herbalist who was also known for his incredibly robust health and amazing vitality. When he was in his fifties, he met a very old man who managed to surpass Li Qing Yuen in walking despite his advanced age. This made a great impression on Master Li because he believed that brisk walking was the key to health, longevity and inner strength. He was trying to learn the old man's secret. He was told that once he began to consume a daily "soup" of the herb called gou qi zi (the fruit of the Lycium chinensis, known as Goji berries), he would soon acquire a new level of health. Li Qing Yuen knew about Goji, of course, but he did not use it as a major part of his daily herbal diet. Li Qing Yuen did exactly what the old sage advised and began to eat Goji soup regularly from then on.

He was revered and many of his disciples followed him. One day, while traveling through the mountains, he met a Taoist hermit who was much older than himself. Li Qing Yuen was so impressed by the Taoist's level of enlightenment that he asked him to reveal his secrets. The Taoist recognized Li's sincerity and taught him the ancient secrets of Taoist yoga, advising him to adjust his diet and eat He Shou Wu daily in conjunction with ginger. Lio then changed his diet and focused mainly on herbal intake.

This legend is a representation of Taoist culture, involving a longevity unimaginable to us. It has long been known that the Taoists have always greatly outlived all other Asian peoples. Many of them lived to be hundreds. The Taoist art of longevity, known as the "Way of Dazzling Health," is one of the most precious heritages of the East. The Taoist art of longevity includes tonifying herbalism, qi gong, tai ji quan, Taoist yoga, Taoist sexual techniques and many martial arts.

"Ready" versus "raw" He Shou Wu

The He Shou Wu tuber must be prepared in order to be used as a regularly ingested tonic herb. The tubers are sliced and simmered in a black bean soup (10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black bean) until the soup has evaporated. "The 'prepared' roots are then dried without added additives.

The "preparation" eliminates the laxative effect that fresh and cheaper He Shou Wu, used heavily in Chinese herbalism as a laxative, can have, and awakens the tonic effect in it. The processing is also intended to increase therapeutic efficacy and eliminate toxins. He Shou Wu is known to promote macrophage activity.

Concentration: the powdered extract of He Shou Wu is prepared from Polygonum multiflorum tubers of the highest possible quality, growing in the hard-to-reach high mountains of Yunnan Province in China. It is processed FITT™ technology at temperatures below 42ºC, which preserves plant pigments, bioactive substances and enzymes.

Recommended dosage: 1 teaspoon (2 g) mixed with water (hot or room temperature), 1-4 times a day
Can be consumed as a tea or mixed into your favorite beverages (e.g. smoothies).

Ingredients: prepared extract of the root He Shou Wu

Use: He Shou Wu can be taken as a nourishing herb for life. It is often the primary herb of a Jing energy support program.

Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark, dry place. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. It is not a substitute for a varied diet. Not intended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Data sheet

Weight including packaging140 g
Quantity20 tea bags (60 cups)
Country of Origin:China

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Renata 11. September 2017

Dobrý den,mam dvě holčičky-2letou a 5 měsíční,2 roky kojím.Dnes jsem byla u zubaře a mam sklony k odvápneni zubu.Co byste mi doporučili za vitaminy?Divala jsem se na Raw prenatal code nebo mi můžete doporučit i jiný produkt?Vlasy mam krásné a ještě hustší a nehty by mohly být pevnější,ale také je to celkem v pořádku,nejvíce mě trápí ty zuby.Mam je citlivé a dělají se mi kazy.Od té doby co se narodily holčičky,přestala jsem zvykat žvýkačky a piji vodu i přes noc,někdy se šťávou když kojim.Myslite si,ze to také muže mít vliv?Dekuji za odpověď Renata

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Krásný den, Renato,

při kojení dochází k velkému výdaji minerálů, tradiční čínská medicína to popisuje jako stav, kdy je potřeba vyživit krev a posílit životní esenci, která se také projevuje na stavu našich zubů a vlasů. Na to je skvělá bylina he shou wu , není vhodná pouze u symptomu řídké stolice. Potraviny bohaté na minerály, hlavně vápník, jsou chia a konopná semínka, mandle, černý sezam a doporučuji suplementovat vitamín D3, toho má většina lidí nedostatek a pro správné využití minerálů je nezbytný. Pro péči o zuby vyzkoušejte pasty s esenciálními oleji Young Living, kromě zvládnutí kazů a zubního kamene celkově posilují imunitu a vydrží dlouho. Ke žvýkačkám bych se určitě nevracela, po sladkém jídle a pití vypláchněte ústa vodou, sliny se o neutralizaci postarají, popř. můžete rozžvýkat tabletku chlorelly, která poskytne regenerační a zásadotvorný chlorofyl.

S pozdravem Michaela

lucia 12. April 2017

dobrý deň, rada by som sa opýtala ako sa čaj pripravuje? zvazujem kupu - zaujalo ma ze obnovuje plodnost, dakujem za odpoved. Lucia

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Dobrý den, Luci,

stačí přidat lžičku do (teplé) vody a rozmíchat, ideálně 20 min před jídlem.

S pozdravem Michaela

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