Code: 1762

Vitamin D3 + K2 Liposomal, Capsules

Vitamin D3 + K2 Liposomal, Capsules

Manufacturer: NaturLabs

Quantity: 30 capsules

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Perfect source of synergistic vitamins D3 and K2 in liposomal form with high bioavailability. Vitamins D3 and K2 are especially important for bone and dental health, and vitamin D itself is important for a properly functioning immune system.

This dietary supplement is vegan, the source of vitamin D3 is lichen.

Meet the VEGAN vitamins D3 + K2

Vitamin D is one of the important fat-soluble vitamins. On sunny days, our bodies can make sufficient amounts of it on their own, while in the winter, vitamin D saturation can be problematic. And this can become a source of many health complications.

Why vitamin D3? There are several types of these vitamin. The most biologically effective are vitamins D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is mostly found in foods of animal origin, while vitamin D2 is typically found in plant sources. However, vitamin D3 can also be obtained from lichen. Numerous studies have shown that vitamin D3 is about one-third more effective than vitamin D2.

Vitamin D3 can be synthesized by the body in the skin under the influence of UVB radiation. We can regulate this process ourselves. Thus, there is no risk of overdosing the body when exposed to the sun for a long time. To create the necessary daily dose of vitamin D in the skin, it is recommended to stay in the sun between 15-30 minutes. However, due to contemporary lifestyles, the majority of the population is currently deficient in vitamin D.

Vitamin K is also a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K2 is essential, for example, for bone health and the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It acts as a protective and preventive factor for the good condition of our body until late in life. Vitamin K2 is rather deficient in our diet.

Why combine vitamin D3 with vitamin K2?

Vitamin D increases the deposition of calcium in the bones. However, another vitamin is needed for this, namely K2. If we take in enough D3 but not enough K2, there is a risk of increased calcium deposition in soft tissues and blood vessels where we do not want it to be deposited, and conversely, there is a risk of insufficient calcium deposition in the bones and thus a higher risk of osteoporosis. This is why we say that the two vitamins work synergistically and together make an ideal combination.

What are the main beneficial effects of vitamin D?

  • Contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal bone health
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal dental health
  • Contributes to the process of cell division
  • Contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus and supports the maintenance of normal blood calcium levels

What are the main beneficial effects of vitamin K?

  • Contributes to normal blood clotting
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal bone health

Why liposomal vitamin D3 + K2?

Most conventional vitamin and Mineral supplements in powder or tablet form are not sufficiently absorbed by our bodies. While still in transit, the supplements are broken down in the digestive tract by digestive enzymes and gastric juices. Thus, only a small percentage of the active substance actually reaches its destination.

The liposomal form of vitamin D revolutionizes absorption!

Why? Liposomal packaging eliminates this process and protects the active ingredient. Liposomes are molecules whose outer shell is made up of healthy fats (natural phospholipids) that encapsulate vitamin D and vitamin K. During absorption from the intestine, this fatty coating provides a protective cover for the vitamins. The liposomal pouch is naturally absorbed through the wall of the intestine into the bloodstream and with it the intact vitamin molecule hidden inside, which is then easily absorbed from the blood directly into the cells.

Benefits of the liposomal form of vitamins

  • Better transport of vitamins to their destination - through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and from there easy absorption directly into the cells
  • Perfect bioavailability - availability of vitamins to the body
  • Liposomal layer protects vitamins against damage in the digestive tract
  • No aftertaste, long shelf life and purity (no additives) - all thanks to the bulk form

What is it?

Pure vitamin D3, together with vitamin K2, is transported into cells via a patented liposomal structure of natural phospholipids, which ensures the highest known bioavailability of vitamins in the human body.

The liposomal form increases the absorption of the active substance by up to 20 times and allows for cellular absorption of more than 90%. In addition, the liposomal form of vitamins provides your body with a wide range of benefits documented in numerous clinical studies.

Unique technology at the molecular level

Liposomal forms of vitamins and minerals have been successfully used in medicine for many years to increase the absorption of active substances into the body.

NaturLabs' liposomal vitamins use 100% natural LipoCellTech technology, which ensures their perfect absorption. So you can finally feel the real effect of supplementation.

Specifically, it works by coating the vitamin molecule with a phospholipid layer during processing. This is very similar to our cells, so it is more easily taken up by the cells and the contents easily penetrate. The phospholipid layer, on the other hand, protects the active substance as it passes through the digestive tract to prevent premature degradation. It also allows the active ingredient to be transported smoothly directly into the cells.

Such a liposomal structure is intrinsic to the body, and once the active substance is delivered to the cell, the phospholipids themselves become nourishment for the cell envelope, where they help to regenerate cells and tissues.

Why prefer bulk liposomal vitamins in capsules?

Liposomal dietary supplements come in bulk and liquid forms. What are the advantages of powder-filled capsules over the more common liquid form?

  • Powder-filled capsules are easily portable, convenient for travel and convenient to take.
  • The bulk form of our vitamins is just pure powder with no additives. So of course it contains no fillers, preservatives or inactive substances.
  • In contrast to liquid forms, whose unpleasant taste is often masked by flavourings, the powder in the natural capsule has a completely neutral taste.
  • The powder packaged in a capsule lasts much longer. Unlike liquid supplements, which must be consumed quickly after opening, the powder form has a longer shelf life and is more stable.

Method of use

  • Take 1 capsule twice a week with meal and take with water.
  • For deficiency conditions take 1 capsule daily with food, washed down with water.

Further information

Nutritional valuesIngredients in 1 capsule
LipoCellTech™ Liposomal proprietary blend190 mg
Magnesium Citrate60 mg (15%)*
Vitamin K2 (MK-7)80 μg (106%)*
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)24 μg (480 %)* 960 IU
Not a significant source of energy, carbohydrate, fat or protein.
* Reference intake value


Ingredients: LipoCellTech™ Liposomal proprietary blend: sunflower-derived palmitoleic acid phospholipids (non-GMO), magnesium citrate, vitamin K2 (MK-7), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferoll), vegan capsule made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose.


30 capsules, pack lasts 3.5 months.


Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Store at room temperature.


Dietary supplement, not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before use. Not intended for children under 3 years of age.

Why did we choose NaturLabs?

NaturLabs is a Czech brand that seeks inspiration in the gifts of nature as well as the latest expertise in biochemistry. It develops plant-based products that have a positive effect on specific functions of the human body with a focus on product quality and purity without the addition of artificial additives.

By combining a scientific approach and inspiration from nature, it develops premium quality products with high functionality and efficacy. In doing so, it emphasizes the maximum effectiveness of active ingredients backed by current scientific research.

Food supplements are produced with the utmost respect for natural resources. They strive to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by its existence.

NaturLabs' goal is to produce food supplements that benefit all living beings for their physical and mental health, enabling them to reach their full potential of being.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Czech republic

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Jitka 24. May 2024

Dobrý den, <br/>mohu užívat současně VITAMIN D3 + K2 LIPOSOMÁLNÍ, KAPSLE (1x den ně)a VÁPNÍK CHELÁTOVÝ + D3 & K2, KAPSLE (2x týdně)? Je mi 59 let a řeším osteopenii.<br/><br/>Děkuji za odpověď,<br/>Jitka<br/><br/>

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, určitě můžete. O dávkování vápníku se ještě poraďte s lékařem - 1 kapsle/2x týdně mi přijde jako velmi malé dávkování.

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S přáním krásného dne


Sabina 13. February 2024

Dobrý den, užívám liposomální D3+K2, dvakrát týdně jednu tabletu dle doporučení na balení a vždy ten den, kdy si ho vezmu, nemůžu vůbec spát. Užívám vždy ráno. Čím to může být způsobeno a dá se s tím dělat něco jiného, než vysadit tento vitamín? Díky za odpověď.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

vitamín D souvisí mimo jiné také s produkcí melatoninu - hormonu, který je důležitý pro správný cyklus spánku a bdění. U většiny lidí vitamín D spánek podporuje, ale setkala jsem se i se zkušenostmi opačnými, jaké popisujete vy. Bohužel zatím není známo čím to může být. Zkusila bych následující:

  1. zjistěte si vaši hladinu vitamínu D, pokud ji Vám lékař ještě nezjišťoval - buď u lékaře nebo jako samoplátce např. v labolatořích Synlab - teoreticky byste mohla mít vitamínu D dostatek a jeho další užívání by tyto problémy mohlo způsobovat
  2. zkuste užít vitamín D před spaním, jestli se Vám neposune bdělost o 12h -> k ránu, tak jak by to mělo být
  3. navečer užijte hořčík bisglycinát - pomáhá zklidnit nervový systém, působí synergicky s vit. D
  4. jako poslední možnost bych zkusila vitamín D v klasické, neliposomální formě a užívat častěji - budete přijímat menší dávku, což by mohlo pomoci snížit intenzitu příznaků a navyknout tělo na stabilní dávkování

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Andrea 22. November 2023

Dobrý den, prosím Vás, chci se zeptat, jestli náhodou neplánuje firma NaturLabs zvlášt rozšířit sortiment o vitamín D3 ale i samostatně ve větším množství jednotek, bez kombinace K2 a též i samostatně i vitamín K2 ? Dále pak jestli je kombinace tohoto vitamínů čistě rostlinná, tedy vit. D3 je získán z lišejníků, nebo lanolínu a vit. K2 je z Natta, nebo z něčeho jiného? Moc děkuji za odpovědi :)

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

zařadit samostatný D3 Naturlabs zatím neplánuje, u K2 je to možné. Zdroj D3 +K2 je rostlinný - D3 je z lišejníku, K2 je vyrobeno laboratorně mikrobiální fermentací.

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