6 tips for content liver
After a long and heavy winter when we were eating greasy and stodgy meals to warm ourselves up, here comes the spring – the time of new beginnings. The spring time relates to liver and gallbladder cleansing, especially if we didn´t avoid alcohol and parties during the winter. Let´s regenerate these organs and prepare them for the more active part of the year.

In the past, early spring was traditionally connected with fasting because the food supply was running out. Therefore there were no weddings in May – a potential baby would be born into a poor period. Religious rituals are also connected with this natural cycle; many of you are aware of 40 days long fast before Easter – well most of you probably just know it by hearsay. Anyway, if you´ve noticed green sprouts among the last patches of snow, it´s time to change your diet.
1. First, get ready-to-cook food out of your diet as well as processed and canned food, that often contains colourants, stabilizing agents, and other toxic substances that may harm your body. Focus on eating fresh, simple and high fibre food. Try rice fasting, “hot-blooded” juice fasting or resist sugar, flour and milk for a month. A cleansed body will be the result and you will certainly be pleased by finding out that you´ve been naturally losing weight.
2. Liver loves leaves; therefore don´t hesitate and include young sprouts of nettle, dandelion, daisies, wild garlic or other treasures, that nature´s offering right now, in your diet. Check one of our older articles to find out how to get use of Czech herbal threesome for the spring detox.
At home, you may grow your own green mix in a flowerpot. Extract the juice of it to increase the detox effect and pamper your body with vitamins and minerals – the digestion is made much easier like that. We could compare juices to cleansing and nourishing nozzles for our cells.
If you can´t grow vegetables, buy dried juice from barley or wheat (it is more delicious) leaves and prepare it in shaker. It´s great to combine it with chlorella that contains special fibre draining all toxins out of the body since only cleansed intestine free from harmful substances ensures the overall effect of detox to be positive.
If you don´t fancy green food, there is a tip for you: Vitamineral Green in form of pills – it is an instant blend of sprouts and seaweed convenient for anyone.
3. Apart from the green vegetables, there are other vegetables convenient for liver detox such as beetroot or carrot. Beta-carotene is transformed into vitamin A which is very effective in body detox and it reduces liver fat. Beetroot has a very beneficial effect on the gallbladder and gall secretion. Try steaming, stewing or fermenting it – the sour taste is after all the taste of the spring. You may also extract the juice from it.
4. The most popular herb for stronger liver is milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Its extract has been proven a strong protective and regenerative agent. It´s a great help for people with liver illnesses and it can supplement the synthetic medication or chemotherapy which is a big burden for the body. The milk thistle extract can also degrade heavy metals and other oxidants that get to the body from outside.
You have probably heard about the dandelion root – it is a gentler variation of milk thistle and integral to liver detox tea. Last but not least, turmeric has been getting increasingly popular – it has many healing effects including anti-inflammatory and antidepressant.
If you feel your liver needs a strong herbal booster, try a high-quality product called Liver Rescue from American naturopath Jameth Sheridan.
5. The aromatherapy uses the lemon essence for body cleansing. It is a strong organic dissolving agent that cleanses silted cell membranes, minute stones and fat layers. You can also opt for grapefruit essence that stimulates even more the elimination of fat. The mint essence boosts the excretory function. So drink a glass of water with one drop of lemon in the morning and one drop of mint in the afternoon and see the results! Use only essences of therapeutic quality such as these from Young Living.
6. Let´s not forget the “doctrine of signatures”, the statement that “the similar cures the similar”. Healthy chicken or calf liver from organic farming, where they don´t use GMO forage or hormones, is also beneficial for our liver. It contains vitamins A and B, folic acid, iron, zinc, copper, chrome and Q10 coenzyme. There are also dry liver supplements in form of pills on the market.
And an important recommendation to conclude: During every detox, drink a lot of fresh water – the body will be able to excrete efficiently and you´ll avoid the negative effects of the detox more easily.
Have a lovely spring full of energy ☺.