
Reishi Mushroom Elixir Mix Organic, Powder

Reishi Mushroom Elixir Mix Organic, Powder

Manufacturer: Four Sigmatic

Quantity: 20 sacks

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

35,70 € tax incl.

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„I always take Reishi when I have a more mentally demanding period. It helps me manage everything more easily and mentally stabilizes me.“

Ing. Jan (Petr) Noah, business owner, CEO and raw food enthusiast

Main product features

  • reishi is the "queen of mushrooms"
  • it has been known for its effects for more than 4,000 years
  • is one of nature's most studied gifts
  • It also contains the adaptogenic herb tulsi, which has a calming effect

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Reishi, or ling zhi (Ganoderma lucidum), is one of the best known functional mushrooms. The name reishi translates to "divine mushroom of immortality". The red reishi species from which this instant drink is prepared is especially well known for its effects.

Like other medicinal mushrooms , it contains several hundred biologically active substances with a very wide range of beneficial effects on the human body. Probably the most well-known of these are betaglucans, which harmonize our immune system.

Reishi thus definitely lives up to its name of "divine mushroom of immortality". It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps maintain normal circulatory function and contributes to maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

Homemade latte powder with Lion's Mane mushroom to support memory and thinking

This drink also contains holy basil or tulsi. It is an herb belonging to the group of adaptogens. Ayurveda has recognized and revered tulsi for centuries for its ability to promote inner calm and normal function of the respiratory system.

Who can take this drink

  • people who are going through a period of stress
  • those who have difficulty falling asleep and need to calm down
  • those who want to support the immune system
  • those who want to support the function of the circulatory system
  • those who want to support the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels

Homemade latte powder with Lion's Mane mushroom to support memory and thinking

Why prefer a double extract of medicinal mushrooms

For the human body, much of the mushroom tissue is indigestible. Therefore, when we swallow the powder of a ground dried mushroom, we cannot absorb nearly all the valuable active substances from its cells.

The extract, on the other hand, contains all the beneficial substances in an easily digestible form. And to really get all the substances from the natural mushroom, you will even find a double extract in this instant drink. That is, not only the water-soluble substances, but also all the other substances that we have obtained by extraction with alcohol (which, of course, is not contained in the final product at all).

The double extract therefore ensures a higher concentration and better bioavailability of the active substances for the organism. And this is the basis of our medicinal mushroom products.

Tincture or instant drink with medicinal mushrooms?
In our range you will find mushroom tinctures from KÄÄPÄ Health and high-quality instant drinks from Four Sigmatic. What is the difference between them?

All the mushroom products we sell are of high quality and as bioavailable as possible. The active ingredients in them are extracted using a double extraction method.

FourSigmatic drinks contain, in addition to these mushrooms, other synergistic adaptogenic herbs or superfoods. Their advantage is their great taste and high concentration of the active ingredient. In one box you will find a predetermined number of sachets, i.e. doses.

KÄÄPÄ Health tinctures more closely resemble a classic dietary supplement. It is purely a mushroom extract, the amount of which you use the dropper to dose yourself according to your needs.

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Each of the "elixirs" has its own specific taste. You can sip them alone or flavour them with vegetable milk or spices according to your mood.

Mix with cold or hot water, smoothies or use in cooking and baking. Suitable as an evening tea before bedtime.

Caution: do not use with blood thinners.

Ingredients in 1 sachet (3 g): in 1 serving (3 g) - double extract of reishi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum* (1,500 mg), peppermint extract*, rosehip*, tulsi*. (* = USDA organic)

USDA Organic
Products labeled USDA Organic meet the strict manufacturing requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To carry this label, a product must be at least 95% organic ingredients. Certification demonstrates the highest possible quality and purity of the product.

USDA Organic products undergo a non-GMO, radiation-free production method using ingredients that fall under the National List of Allowed Substances. Agriculture with this certification must meet many factors from ensuring soil quality to controlling pests and weeds or the ingredients used.

Organic producers rely as much as possible on natural substances and agricultural, physical, mechanical or biological farming methods with a guarantee that the plant/crop has grown on soil where prohibited substances (such as synthetic fertilizers or pesticides) have not been applied for 3 years.

Nutritional valuesPer dose (3 g)
Energy value5 kcal
Fats0 g
of which saturated0 g
Carbohydrates1 g
of which sugars0 g
Fibre0 g
Protein0 g
Salt**0 g
Not a significant source of energy, carbohydrate, fat or protein.

Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. It is not a substitute for a varied diet. Not intended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Four Sigmatic functional mushrooms and delicious mushroom coffees and drinks

Why we love Four Sigmatic

Four Sigmatic - originally from Finland, now based in the USA - is the project of a bunch of smart guys who call themselves the Scandinavian funny guys. They combined their lifelong passion for processing medicinal mushrooms and adaptogens with an original idea. They have enriched popular drinks with these traditionally used medicinal gems that can fill our every day with more energy, physical stamina, inner peace and productivity. With this venture, they have made functional mushrooms available to virtually anyone.

Adding the dual extract of these mushrooms and adaptogens to popular beverages like hot cocoa, coffee, latte or matcha latte or creating a multi-species mushroom blend creates a drink for moments of well-being while "recharging the batteries" and boosting the psyche and immunity.

Four Sigmatic products meet the strictest quality criteria. In addition to USDA Organic certification, they are regularly tested by independent laboratories for heavy metals, yeast, mycotoxins and radiation levels. The ingredients in all Four Sigmatic beverages are purely plant-based.

Data sheet

Form:Tea Bags
Country of Origin:USA
USDA Organic:Yes

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Eliška 1. April 2021

Dobrý den, mohla byste mi prosím poradit něco na prokrvení. Mám neustále studené ruce. Jsem vegetariánka a aktivně sportuji, běhám kolem 30 km týdně. Předem děkuji za odpověď.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Eliško,

štítná žláza funguje bez problému? Zimomřivé ženy jsou převážně ženy trpící příznaky snížené činnosti štítné žlázy. Nechte si případně zjistit hladinu hormonů štítné žlázy v krvi. Jako druhou možnou příčinu vidím (i skrze vegetariánství) anémii. Chudokrevnost může způsobit celá řada faktorů, zejm. nedostatek železa a vitamínu B12. Opět doporučuji nechat si přeměřit hladinu (zejména) železa v krvi. Velmi často můžeme vidět nedostatek železa u vytrvalostních běžců (což vypadá, že jste), protože díky otřesům při běhu dochází k rozpadu červených krvinek.
Jako doplněk bych Vám od nás doporučila na prokrvení houbu Reishi (ve formě extraktu nebo tinktury) a hořčík.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem pro Vás k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

Hanka 12. August 2019

Dobry den, chci se zeptat, jeslti mate v portfoliu nejaky produkt, ktery by zlepsoval kvalitu spanku. V lekarnach se bezne prodava napr. melatonin, ktery ale obsahuje pridatne latky. Dekuji

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, Hanko,

máte-li problém s usínáním, s utišením myšlenek před spánkem, doporučuji zařadit REISHI Instantní nápoj. Funkční houba Reishi pomáhá stabilizovat emoce a harmonizovat psychický stav. Stejně tak pomáhá proti nespavosti ajurvédská bylina Ashwaganda - stačí rozpustit necelou lžičku ve vodě nebo v čaji před spánkem.

S pozdravem, Petra

Anka 22. October 2017

dobrý den ,mám rakovinu slinivky s metaztázemi do játry a plic,chci se zeptat jaká bílkovina by byla pro mě dobrá,nechci jak se říká v sobě ještě krmit rakovinu živočišnými bílkovinami a tak bych radějí rostlinné bílkoviny,maso jsem ze svého jídelničku úplně vyřadila a tak potřebují nějaké bílkoviny do sebe dostat.Je vhodné užívat rostlinnou bílkovinu a jakou? děkují

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Krásný den, Anko,

při rakovině se doporučují živočišné bílkoviny max. do 10 % obsahu denního jídelníčku, povolené jsou například vývary z kostí, které jsou posilující. Nahradit živočišné bílkoviny lze např. luštěninami, výborná jsou konopná semínka, chia, dýňová, ořechy, ale nepřehánět to s nimi. Zvolit můžete i čistý protein jako náš Sunwarrior . Velmi podpůrná je při rakovině reishi. Určitě je nezbytné zapojit i práci s psychikou a traumaty.

S pozdravem Michaela

Martina 29. August 2017

Dobrý den, v jake koncentraci mate rejshu v tomto produktu? Dekuji M

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Krásný den, Martino,

koncentraci výtažku výrobce neuvádí. Jedná se o dvojitý výtažek z červené reishi, ale nikoli z mycelia, nýbrž z těla houby (nadzemní části), která obsahuje celé spektrum účinných látek. V jednom sáčku je 1000 mg výtažku, obsah polysacharidů je 30 % (z toho 15 % beta-glukanů) a triterpenů 2 %.

S pozdravem Michaela

Jana Petříková 9. March 2016

U Reishi píšete -Smíchejte se studenou či horkou vodou- opravdu se muže i horkou vodou?

Lukáš Vaníček odpověděl:

Dobrý den,
ano klidně můžete i horkou vodou. Reishi již byla zpracována teplem. Jinak by pro tělo nebylo možné zpracovat účinné látky. Kořeny a houby se již po tisíce let tepelně upravují (většinou dlouho). Zdraví prospěšné látky jsou totiž velice dobře chráněny různými antinutričními látky, které blokují jejich vstřebávání.

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Our long-term customers know the products in depth and come back for them. We also encourage you to do your own research and make a conscious decision about what your body needs.

Jan Noah
Founder of Vitalvibe